Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Thanks to Brother Ibrahim Hakeem

Thanks to Brother Ibrahim Hakeem from Chicago who emailed us to say that the Quilliam Foundation are having some hiccups prior to their launch.

Apparently, Dawud Masieh has left Quilliam in mysterious circumstances - he has also hastily been removed from the Quilliam Foundation website it would appear.

It also appears that various scholars cited as "advisors" to the Foundation have also been removed from the Foundation's website - apparently some were unaware that they were "advisors" and others have been horrified by the stance taken by some Quilliam Foundation members on key doctrinal issues.


Gambit57 said...

Please post all of the party pics back up. It is important that those who advocate for modernism and secularism be seen in their natural envt.. The bonds of any so called "brotherhood" were broken long ago.


Anonymous said...

pictures should be there: